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 Aging   Paint    Kawasaki    W650

当時まだエイジングペイントが流行っていない時代のペイント車両。車両制作はガレージTAKA フレーム・タンク・リアフェンダーを持ち込んでもらって施工。オーダー内容はエイジングペイントをしてほしいいという事のみだった。ビルダーのTAKAさんといろいろディスカッションし、自分のイメージを先行して良いとなったので【片田舎の納屋から出てきたフレームを生き返らせる】にした。





A paint vehicle in an era when aging paint was not yet popular at that time. Vehicle production was done by bringing in the garage TAKA frame, tank, and rear fender. The only content of the order was that I wanted you to do aging paint. I had a lot of discussions with Mr. TAKA, the builder, and it was good to precede my image, so I decided to [revive the frame that came out of the barn in the countryside].

Rusted frame, tank that is likely to fade and decay

Still, I imagined that it was like the owner's dream of wanting to run as a motorcycle.

I'm still new to the aging pane, so the texture is a little childish ... w

But I think the atmosphere of the frame was able to bring out the times.

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